Saturday, January 04, 2003

Circular No 61

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 4 of January 2003. Circular No. 61
Dear Friends,

Hi, to all, those who thought that the "Last" was my cue for quitting the literary scene, and those who realized that "Last" was effectively the last circular of the year. But not many realized that the 28th of December is "Fools day" in Spanish speaking countries and some others, just like the 1st of April in Anglo-Saxon countries. So back to the computertypewriter, to hack out meaningful and meaningless phrases, fortunately the type does not stick and fingers do not get dirty with the ribbon, and best of all, I do not need a corrector ribbon.

I hope all of you survived all the wine and dancing and the holidays and are ready for this New Year. Here in Venezuela we have survived and are staging a work stoppage since last 2 of December trying to get the President to call for elections, we have a shortage of fuel, the majority of our industry has closed and our oil industry is nearly shut down, we do not have beer or rum!! which ran out before Christmas, so you can feel the seriousness of the situation. Hope all of you keep track of the news by
internet as our struggle has not be taken up by international news papers with the required coverage because of the Iraq crisis.

I have noticed that some of the oldboys are not too keen in writing up a resume, but their friends with a mighty feathers, (mighty fingers??? to be in tune with times), might give us a clue on these silent oldboys which I am sure is interesting to all.

Thank you for your support sending in new names for the MSB old boys list. I am including part of the list, this year I shall be sending out 15 names each time, thank you for your diligence. If you wondered where the names came from?, 70% of the list came from Nigel Boos who took it from Arthur Kraggs who published a pamphlet called OASIS Overseas Abbey School
Interested Students, years ago with the same intentions as our internet multilog, (is this correct???) dialog does not seem right, I have to ask Wayne Brown!!! and Glen Evelyn, who sent some mimeographed pages of the Venezuelan oldboys that went to the MSB.

Feel free to use, erase, add, etc to this list, you can then send the corrections to the Web or me. Remember that I am sending the circulars to all for whom I have the e-mail address, to promote our page.

In this New Year I have in my goals to make contact with all the recipients of this Circular. You have wondered why I have not put out an email directory, well the reason is because I do not what to give out emails of oldboys that might not be old boys as some have not confirmed their status or email addresses that are of silent alumni, as these have a reason for not wanting to be bothered by their classmates or friends, I believe that one email per week is sufficient reminder for them on their time at MSB.

Some of the Circulars this year shall be dedicated to the oldboys that wrote last year and were not included in my writings. I am sorry to have left them out but late is better than never. Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not
received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number. Lot of you would like to seen photos of the times, so please look up your parents album and scan those photos. I only have a limited number of pictures.

On the 23 of May 2002 Richard Johnson wrote:

Dear Ladislao,

I confirm that I have received all of the circulars.

With regard to the old Boys. To the best of my knowledge Claude Johnson, Nigel Moffat and Stuart Monplasir are all in England. I do not know a David Johnson. I do not think Claude has e-mail or fax. There were two other Moffat boys who went to Mount. They also live in U.K. Andrew who became a Pilot and I believe flies for British Airways and Lindsey who is into art and decorating. Stuart Monplasir has some family in St. Lucia. I will try to get additional information and pass it on to you.

I run a hardware business in St. Lucia. It was the family hardware started by my Grandfather in 1922. Some years ago I bought out my 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My wife Patricia and I have a son Norman who works with me in the business. He recently got married.
Now for a couple of lines from Howard Ho:

Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 01:19:52 EDT

1962 sounds about right!... I think I can scan some old photos during the Mount days and forward to you.
I was a day student and did not skate at school so it could have been Ho Koon...small built!....
I am 55 yrs old .......
I'll try and scan a photo tomorrow or Mon for the latest.
all the best, Howard.
Maybe someone knows where Ho Koon is???

Maybe some of you can resend your manuscripts with additional information.
A year ago this Circular was sent to about 25 oldboys, this has grown tenfold??? So most of the stories and anecdotes have not been read by many.

I am on the lookout for all the names with e-mail address!! Especially those who had brothers and cousins that went to the Mount. I need for each oldboy in my listing the Form V graduation date, or the, would have graduated date, (WHG), to place their names in the correct class list.

And now for a look at the archives: the TERMINAL REPORT, the most revered piece of paper at school. Who can match it???

God Bless

Listado: C61 .xls
Photos: DSC00101 msb M Lew (New Dinning Hall.)
Terminal report lk 1955, p1,2
Column: Wvb 021208 in the name of the real world
021211 Davis Bratt 89, sorry for including it this late!

Listado C61.xls
Names Form V Contact nickname business address business phone e-mail
Saez, Fransisco

Samaroo, Jimmy

johnny garcia´s cousin
Sanchez, Carlos 1954 jon

Sanchez, Regulo

Santos, C

Savorgnan, Luciano 1958 farcheg

Savorgnan, Roberto 1961 farcheg

Scannone, Antonio Julio

Schnell, Oscar




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