Saturday, August 16, 2003

Circular No 93

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 16 August 2003. Circular No. 93
Dear Friends,

Today, we are at the middle of the Event, the 1st. School Reunion of the Abbey School alumni. Yesterday there was a Dinner, hope to give you a run down and photos, as soon as the reporters send them in.

Meanwhile I have the following emails exchange between Boos and myself.
From: "Peter Boos" <>
Date:18 Apr 04:42 (PDT)

Hi Ladislao,
I will try and get the information on Steven Tempro and John Dulieu that you requested.
The only Mount old boys with who I am in contact are Jon Golding and Jean de Meillac-both in Trinidad. I believe Jon has been in contact. Jean works for Terra Caribbean in Trinidad.
I hope that helps.
Will get back to you on the others.
Happy Easter.
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 12:04 PM
Caracas, 17 of April 2003.

Dear Peter,
Thank you for your report and your details.
I shall place it in my archives.
Are you in contact with other old boys? If so please tell me their names so that I may include them also.
Since you are in Barbados please give my regards to Steven Tempro, owner of Smugglers Cove, if possible take a photo or two of them and the hotel. I want to include my personal friend in the circular.
Also if you have a little time to spare, contact Helen Air, Capt. John Dulieu, owner of the airline, who is also an Old Boy from the Mount. Again I have no information of him or photo. Maybe he would like to advertise his airline.
I know that I am asking you a big favour but the circulars must keep on for a few issues again. Without articles I am dead.
God Bless
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 07:31:18 -0400, "Peter Boos" wrote:

Hi Ladislao,
My name is Peter Boos, a first cousin of Nigel.
I live in Barbados and work for Ernst & Young. I married Jan Hunte, a Barbadian in 1969 and we have two children and a 2 year old grandson. I was born on 29 April 1945.
Thanks for including me on the distribution list of your very impressive circulars on Mount, of which I am of course an old boy.
The picture of the class of 1958 is a copy of one that I also have and I am #3 in the back row. I believe Rolph Hive is #4 to the right of me. It cannot however be the class of 1958 as I left Trinidad in 1957 to go to school in England.
I believe this would have to be 1955 or 1956 as after the Mount I went to CIC for 9 months before leaving for England.
I hope that helps.
Congratulations on the excellent work you are doing.
From: "Peter Boos" <>
Date: 5 May 05:27 (PDT)

Hi Ladislao,
I was born 29 April 1945. My Dad wanted me to "succeed" and tried hard to make it happen! His philosophy was based on the "tough love" model.
I was at MSB for a relatively short time-no more than 2 years. I left around 1955,went to St. Mary's College for a year then went to the Oratory School, a Catholic Public in England from 1957. Several other boys from Trinidad went there too including Bernard Bermudez, Gordon Siegert, Richard Pierre, Aelred and Stephen Plimmer. I graduated from the Oratory in 1963 and stayed on in London to study to be a Chartered Accountant, which I achieved in 1968.
I returned to Trinidad in 1969 when I married my Barbadian wife, Jan. Left Trinidad in 1970 to live in Barbados. Have resided here since but visit Trinidad regularly. Have 2 children, Lara and Christian and a grandson, Luke who is 2.
Today I am Executive Chairman of Ernst & Young Caribbean. My telephone number is 246-435-6733 at home. My address is Hillcrest, Golf Club Road, Christ Church, Barbados. Will try and send a picture.
Please remind me who you wanted me to contact.
From MSB I remember Richard and Randall Galt, Roger Henderson, Michael Herrera, Michael Howard (great sprinter), Jean de Meillac.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 4:21 PM
Caracas, 3 of MAy 2003.

Dear Peter,
I have made the change to Accountant, thank you. Please send me corrections when needed.
I even took the not msb line off. This was Nigel's input a year ago.
Now that we are correcting, please tell me if you did or whg, would have graduated in 1955? as the list says.
Do you have any telephone number? Address? A photo or two?
Did you contact those that I wrote you last?
God Bless
On Fri, 2 May 2003 08:13:38 -0400, "Peter Boos" wrote:

Hi Ladislao,
Please note that I am a Chartered Accountant not an Architect. I had sent you a message some time ago. Did you receive it?
Congratulations on the outstanding job you are doing for the old boys of Mount.

Now I am waiting for the reports to send you for you to enjoy.
I regret that it was impossible for me to go, but I am sure the organizers are ready for a similar event soon, after the large turn out, especially with the respectable turnout of the older alumni.

God Bless

Listado: C93.xls
Photo: Swimming back 1
Caracas Ladislao Kertesz, Peter Morvay, Urbano Fedak, Isaias Farcheg
The photo section is in disarray, I am going to make a proper organized file soon, so that you get all of them. But meanwhile please check your photo album and send me the old ones.
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt -No column was available in the internet sever this week
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number.

For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: 58 (0416) 612.5696
ICQ# 158597413
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.
Listado C93.xls
Names Form V Contact nicknames business address Phone e-mail
Gangoo, Roy

Ganteaume, Peter


Garanton, Ricardo Alberto


Garcia, Edward

Garcia, Ignacio
roger Belzeebub

Garcia, Jimmy

Garcia, Johnny

Top swimmer TT
Garcia, Luis Alejandro

Garcia, Miguel Angel

Garner, Alloy
Garner, Assam
YV anaco

Gascon, Mario

Gauteaume. Peter

TT (868) 623 1361

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